A New Year!
by Lacey Edwards, M.A.
Welcome to 2013! A new opportunity to frame and shape each
day, to create new ways of being in your world. Well... you may be thinking...
that’s easy for you to say... I’ve tried that before... Yet it is often our
perspective in life that influences the outcome before we have even begun. I
believe that you want the best for you... for your family... for your
community... and even for those you do not know. In order for us to create a
better world, we each need to be willing to risk. That may seem scary... or
even a bit unknown as to what the future holds, yet putting our best effort
into creating positive change is what will bring about the most hopeful
situations for our community, for ourselves and for our families. I’m reminded
of a quote by Theodor Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, who became more well
known this year through the movie, The Lorax. “Unless someone like you cares a
whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better, it’s not” (Geisel, 1971). I’ll
give it a try. Will you?
But risk for what you might ask? That’s up to you! We can
dream and plan for what we would most like to see happen in our daily lives,
within our family and within our community but before we implement it, it is
important to take a few moments to set goals to help us on our path to creating
positive change around us. Change takes time and often times, it is a trial and
error process where we may not bring about complete change the first time. In
order to effect positive change, we need to be willing to get up and try again.
Reaching our desired goal is most likely when we take time to review and
Here are a few simple steps in achieving your desired goal.
Valerie Chang recommends creating a SMART Goal, in order to achieve what you desire
(Chang, Scott and Decker, 2009).
S: Be Specific
M: Make it Measurable
A: Make sure your goal is Attainable
R: Make your goal Realistic
T: Make your goal Time-Sensitive
When you create a goal that is specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and time-sensitive, it enables you to achieve the goal in
a reasonable amount of time which leads to a sense of fulfillment and further
desire to create and reach additional goals (Chang, Scott and Decker, 2009).
When you set a goal that is not realistic within your current schedule nor
realistic in light of your primary responsibilities, you may become discouraged
and begin to withdraw from your goal, and you might begin to believe that you
are not able to accomplish things that you actually are! (Chang, Scott and
Decker, 2009)
No matter what time of year, at Intercommunity Counseling
Center we work with you to establish goals and bring about changes you desire
in your life. If you are looking to establish healthy patterns of living or
simply want to talk with someone about your thoughts, feelings or behaviors,
please give us a call. We offer services utilizing a sliding scale fee based
upon your income, so that we can support as many people who would like to come.
We wish you the best in 2013!
Intercommunity Counseling Center
7702 Washington Avenue, Whittier
(562) 698-1272
Chang, Valerie Nash; Scott, Sheryn T.; Decker, Carol (2009).
Developing Helping Skills: A Step-
Approach. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Geisel, Theodor Suess (1971). The Lorax. New York: Random
House, Inc.